Fear IS deception. That’s what some people believe. And for different reasons. But, for the most part, this reasons are wrong. Because fear is not deception. And if you believe you’re fearless, then you haven’t seen all the information. Fear … Read the rest
Category Archives: II Timothy
God can think a new thought. And He can create an entirely new creature. Matter of fact, He could create a whole new universe AND then turn around and change His mind and decide to replace that new universe with … Read the rest
Let’s ask the judges for a definition before we proceed. “1: lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation, AND 2: lack of self-restraint” OK. There you have it. The very definition of why there’s an incontinence choice problem right … Read the rest
Who wants to listen to (much less, sing) a bunch of old songs with a bunch of thee’s, thy’s, and thou’s? I mean, not only is that stuff not cool, it just sounds weird. Yeah, the old hymns lyrics say … Read the rest
Fires burn down beautiful places. Volcanoes erupt and destroy communities. Hurricanes blast entire cities. Tornadoes uproot even the heartiest of trees. Mudslides annihilate peaceful homes that were minding their own business. And through it all the Earth remains. Yeah, the … Read the rest
More chapters have been added to the climate change fairy tale. And you can expect more to come. Because the enemy of Truth is tireless in his attempts to pervert and subvert data. And they love to write the climate … Read the rest
I’ve talked about the Holland–Dozier–Holland songwriting and producing team before when I shared some info about The Supremes and their hit song, “I Hear A Symphony.” And they had another hit, 60 years ago this month, with the song, “Heat … Read the rest
The first century Christians were committed to one another. Christians today? Not so much. Sure, there are small cliques. But, as a whole, it’s a divided faith. And splintered, sometimes, by just the meaning of a single verse. Or even … Read the rest
When I mention the phrase, lovers and friends, your reaction might be influenced by your age. For example, a younger generation might think of a music festival that features “nostalgic hip-hop and R&B.” And an older generation might remember lyrics … Read the rest
Check out this word definition: “full of danger or risk, exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin” That’s the definition of perilous. And it certainly describes the times we find ourselves in right now. But these dangerous days aren’t because … Read the rest