Fear IS deception. That’s what some people believe. And for different reasons. But, for the most part, this reasons are wrong. Because fear is not deception. And if you believe you’re fearless, then you haven’t seen all the information. Fear … Read the rest
Category Archives: Faith Hope and Love
When you were young, was the world a better place? And can you honestly agree with these thoughts. You had a lot more fun People were nicer Grownups took better care of our world Life was just plain easier Yeah, … Read the rest
Anyone who truly knows me might tell you, if cornered, that I’m definitely anti touchy feely ushy-gushy stuff. So, I make it a point to write books for kids with a good balance of love AND strength. And I believe … Read the rest
It was about 2,000 years ago. And today doesn’t mark the exact day and time. But that’s another topic for later. Nevertheless some shepherds were on the job, whatever day and time it was. And their job was to watch … Read the rest
Over the years I’ve written some Christmas songs. And one of them became one of my favorite Christmas songs. Hey, who says a songwriter can’t like his own music? Not me, that’s who. Yes, it’s perfectly fine to have enough … Read the rest
Too many people thumb their nose at God and say (actually say out loud or say metaphorically) “You are cruel. And I hate you.” I know it’s harsh. But that’s what they say. In one way or another. And that’s … Read the rest
I’m gonna get my usual awesome Christmas present this year. But certainly not because I deserve it. And here’s a list of other people who don’t deserve theirs. People who: Donate to charities don’t go to Heaven Take care of … Read the rest
We’re in the Christmas countdown for 2024. And, as I write this, it’s only 7 more days till the big day. But the Christmas countdown I think about these days, started way back when. And I’m sure I don’t have … Read the rest
I read a short article about human suffering. And it reminded me of some old commercials for the headache product you’ve probably heard of. Bufferin. I remember old commercials from back in the days of black and white TV. Yeah, … Read the rest
It’s already the third December Monday of 2024. And with temps, here in the heart of the heartland, lingering in the 20’s and 30’s at night, naturally my imagination wanders off into island time. What? A December Monday doesn’t affect … Read the rest