Time travel is real. Before I explain that assertion, I’ll say this. And I’ve said it before, and maybe I’ll say it again sometime. I’ve enjoyed a wide variety of time-travel themed movies and other shows. Because it’s fun to … Read the rest
Tag Archives: time travels
You’ve heard this before. Time waits for no one. The Rolling Stones even had a song with that title. So, that proves it’s got to be true. Right? Time waits for no one and it doesn’t teach many either. Days … Read the rest
Yesterday I wrote about a nostalgic memory. And I talked about June bugs. If you didn’t catch that post, check it out. But now I want you to think back in your own life. And go as far back in … Read the rest
You’ve heard this expression: The only thing that stays the same is change. Right? Well, it’s the only thing because there are two things that stay the same. Continuity and change. Wait! How can that be? Two things stay the … Read the rest
Surely you realize time is of the essence. I looked up the usage and/or meaning of the phrase: time is of the essence. And oddly enough, it’s most common usage is in English and Canadian law. Of course, my right … Read the rest
This time I’m marking time When I was a little kid, way back in the 20th century, I remember wondering why grownups always talked the way they did. Especially when that hadn’t seen each other in a while. And the … Read the rest
When tomorrow comes, it won’t be here. Have you ever thought about it that way? I came up with my own “famous” quote about it. I say “Today is yesterday’s tomorrow and tomorrow’s yesterday”. When you read it, I think … Read the rest