Before I share the key to success, let me assure you that my guess is you already know this. And I think it would be a good idea to define success. Don’t you? After all, if it’s only a vague concept, how will you ever know if you’ve reached it? Plus, if you never know if and when you’re successful, your life will feel meaningless and out of control. And who doesn’t like to feel in control. OK, here’s the definition of success.
Truly successful people will live forever.
That makes sense. Right? Did you think I was gonna share some internet marketing secrets? Or maybe some special tips on how to think positive and be positive?
Nothing wrong with those things. But you and I know they don’t truly define success. You can build empires, employ tens of thousands of people, and change the world even for the better. But if you never trust your Creator, you will lose your soul.
And that’s the complete opposite of success. That’s failure on a scale you can’t imagine.
OK, so I’ve talked about what success isn’t.
So, now I’m gonna share the key to success in only 13 letters?
Is it like the DaVinci code using 13 special letters in an obscure alphabet? Far from it. In fact, no letters could be less obscure than these. You’ll find them in the best selling book of all time.
I’m talking about the 13 letters Paul wrote to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Over and over in those letters Paul shares the key to success. And it’s clearly trusting in Jesus to change you and give you eternal life.
Without eternal life all your efforts missed the key to success.
What are you doing that’s going to make a difference for now and forever? Do you think a new computer software, or artificial intelligence, or self-driving car is gonna be a lasting legacy? Will you be able to create something so powerful the world will never forget your name? If so, I say…think again. But feel free to leave me a comment or send me a message showing me where I miss the point.
A word to the confounded,
Pour light into your eyes.
If you expect more than neglect,
Get wisdom; yeah get wise.
Now, maybe you don’t know me well enough to buy something from me, yet. Ok, let’s change that. Get to know more about me and my worldview. Join the growing body of believers who’ve signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And bask in daily, delightful flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned…