Night And Day
Back in the 70’s, when I was a still a wide-eyed dreamer, I filled up lots of spiral notebooks with poems, stories, and lyrics to songs I’d write once I figured out a way around a piano. I’ve been going back over some of them in the past couple of days to see where my mind was. I’ve noticed that I wrote a lot of poems and songs with a romantic hue. And I don’t mean just lovey dovey romance, but the rose-colored glasses kind. One of my poem/songs popped up on my radar just now called “The Play of Night And Day”.
Next to the lyrics of the song I scribbled some chords to remind me of how the song would go. And as I read through it a few minutes ago, I could hear the tune in my head. It’s very light-hearted, optimistic, and a bit pushy at the same time. I’ll share the lyrics below, and you’ll see what parts night and day play in the play. Can I say “play in the play”? Whoops…I just did it again, so I hope so.
It’s funny to listen to the song in my head. It’s not a song I’d write nowadays at all. And it’s too silly to the older me. But the younger me was one of those guys who never missed a chance to laugh and look on the bright side. So, I’ll keep the tune in my head and see if I can get some of that bounce back in my spirit. See if it works on you…
The Play of Night and Day
And when the curtain falls again
Where will you be?
Will you be saying your lines to me?
Or will you take yourself to another play?
I don’t think I want to hear the things you say.
Oh sleepy sun won’t you get out of bed?
You’ve had the whole night to clear your head.
You’ve got a day of work that needs to be done.
Get out of bed, if you will, oh sleepy sun.
Fight off the clouds
I don’t think we need them around.
There’s plenty of water on the ground,
But ask them to say that they’ll come another day.
So surely they will go away today.
Let’s have a happy time.
Let’s laugh and sing and dance…
Throw caution to the wind,
And show the world our romance.
Hey happy moon…will we be seeing you tonight?
Will you be lending all the world your silver light?
Your generous love is hard to define.
Oh Heaven help me keep the love that I call mine.
Stay tuned,
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