Your government’s budget (and every other part) is NOT operating on or in a just and wise system. And if you ran your household like politicians run this country, you’d be a dead duck already.
Dead duck. That’s kind of a weird thing to say when you think about it.
I read, somewhere, that Andrew Jackson first used the expression, dead duck, in the 1840’s to describe a political opponent. And I don’t know if that’s true. But, based on other things I’ve read about that former president, it sounds plausible.
Yeah, your household couldn’t, and wouldn’t survive, the kind of deficits your country has. Here’s something I wrote, years ago, about how reasonable taxation could help you be more creative.
~ If we took enough from every taxpayer (say about 5%) and spent it on only those things that benefit the country, we’d have beautiful bridges, smooth roads, and strong defense against all enemies. And lots more time for creative endeavors and innovations. ~
Can you imagine how much nicer (and budget friendly) it would be to drive on smooth roads all the time? And how much safer you’d be if all our bridges were maintained they way they should be? Not to mention (be here I go mentioning) how much safer we’d all be if our enemies knew they’d be a dead duck to try to stand up to our strength.
But THAT good ol’ USA went away.
A long time ago. It didn’t just happen in the last four years. Sure, the last four years have been some of the most disastrous in American history. But the system that got us here started over 100 years ago.
Years ago I described what we now have like this:
~ Instead we have a tax system that only the trained professionals and lawyers can understand. And it makes for “class” envy, fraud, and political skimming. Not to mention that our tax system has become a Robin Hood money laundering machine. Take from those who work hard and give to those who don’t or can’t or won’t. You can call it whatever you want. But if private citizens did that, it would be called stealing. Just because the government has made laws and given the tax system involved and caring (yeah, right) names doesn’t change the fact that it’s stealing. ~
It’s ironic how many “conservatives” and “republicans” declare how they’ll fight to be sure America never becomes a socialist nation. Ironic because we’ve been a socialist nation for a long time. And those same Americans say how much they despise the people who say “you’ll own nothing and like it.” But that’s where we ARE. You and I effectively own nothing.
And, from what I can see, most people seem to like it.
For the record, I hate it.
Sometimes this world brings my bad side out.
I get so mad I could scream.
I wonder why can’t we all be friends;
Live and let live and share the dream.
So much depending on tomorrow.”
Heaven only knows where tomorrow goes.
Why must we beg and steal and borrow?
It’s a temporary fix; an empty bag of tricks. © 1989
(from my song, Never Neverland)
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