
Tidbits — 3 Comments

  1. It’s early so this may be rather incoherent, but I believe that means, if what you believe the best means to an end all fail, then do what you felt was the worse means to the end and go with that, but the end is all that matters. War comes to mind. If you see you won’t win the war with no civilian deaths, then you have to go for it regardless of civilian deaths.

  2. There is only one true way to succeed in the end. And One Truth and One Life… All else will fail, including us, the frail… Therefore, we should all look up and begin to understand there is Someone who will never fail us, and a place that “eye has not seen and ear has not heard” beyond our ability to comprehend with our human senses. Fail before the world, and win before the Lord.

  3. Excellent points, Cristina and Scott. However; you increased my dilemma to climb out of my deep thoughts and get back into my shallow ones. You gave me more deep thoughts to think about, and now my feeble brain hurts.

    But thanks. 🙂

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