She said, “Life is screaming at me.” And I thought to myself, “Hmm, I think there’s a song in that.” Elgielene and I had one of those “long distance romances” you’ve heard about. You know. The kind that never work … Read the rest
A long time ago isn’t worthy to be compared to a long time to come. Unless your future depends on you. Ok. I should probably explain that. Because, on the surface, it might sound like philosophical silliness. And I certainly … Read the rest
It’s truly your lucky day! Because, even though I didn’t think I’d ever share this secret again, I’m gonna show you the main ingredients you need in order to be master of the universe. And despite what you might have … Read the rest
Maybe you’re familiar with the expression, “It was a real red letter day.” But just in case you’re not, maybe you’ll find this next part interesting. Current usage of “red letter day” is like decaf coffee. You get the flavor. … Read the rest
I gotta share this story I just saw again today. Maybe you’ve seen some version of it. But it’s about what happened when a young cashier told an older woman “you should bring your grocery bags next time. Because plastic … Read the rest
Wild animals and other creatures breathe. But the breath of the wild things isn’t the same as the breath that goes in and out of you and me. And by “breath of the wild things” I don’t mean plain ol’ … Read the rest
Sure, you could say Tino loves music. If you’re trying to win the “understatement of the year” contest, you could say that. Or another “understatement of the year” could be… “He’s no quitter.” Boy oh boy, is THAT putting it … Read the rest
Over ten years ago I wrote about what it takes to be a healthy, happy human. And I said, “First, you have to be a human. Next, you need to be healthy and happy.” Sounds sensible enough. Right? And I … Read the rest
The anchors, the weather and sports reporters, the investigative reporters, and the editorialists all talked a blue streak night after night. So, it was ironic when Theo felt something like the stroke of a paintbrush across his heart. Because it … Read the rest
Mateo walked through the shin-deep snow on that cold February night in 1996. And one thought kept echoing through the dark chambers of his mind, “I can hear my heart, but I just can’t feel my life.” But he couldn’t … Read the rest
You’ve heard how there was no joy in Mudville when Mighty Casey struck out. Well, I assume you’ve heard that or read it. And I know what happens when you assume. So, maybe I should have given a spoiler alert. … Read the rest
So you see the title, Typhoon Tycoon, and you think to yourself, “Self. That’s obviously the most important thing I’ve got to read today. So, read it NOW!” Am I right? Yes? I knew it. Because who wouldn’t wanna know … Read the rest